Monday, October 16, 2006

Free Hugs

Free Hugs * I took the video off but you can still access it It was time to update the blog music. I'll try to find a direct link later.

My sister forwarded this video to me from another blog called 37 Days. I wanted to share it with all of you. As quoted on 37 Days, "We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth..." (~Virginia Satir)

I myself get plenty of hugs from my husband and three older kids. Not to mention that I'm definitely in the "for growth" category from the million hugs I give to and get from Anna a day. But I will never forget those sub-survival hugless five and a half years pre-Rick, Adri and Anna. At times I'd have to wait a whole week for some good old fashioned running- jumping- wrap- around hugs from Tanner and Noah. I will never take the superabundant hugs I am now blessed with for granted.

For those of you running shy of survival levels, here's at least one in the cyber form. The rest I'll hit ya with when next we meet :)



Unknown said...

Huggies right back at ya and I'll give you two more when we meet or three if you are a really good girl but I wont be giving you twelve otherwise Rick might become jealous and kick me out of your home, but then I'll go and join the circus and get plenty of hugs from the clowns :D

Anonymous said...

Well I know during those 5 1/2 yrs pre-Rick, the boys weren't the only ones giving hugs. Lest you forget my mother and her thoughts about "us!" ;)

Hugs are really great to give and get. They should be done more often for sure!

Have a great day! :)

Unknown said...

"Us" - ummmmm I think I just tripped into a porn site. Reverse reverse reverse :D

Zen Davis said...

Shame on you Gareth. You can't taint the hugging by mentioning porn!

And yes DG, I remember the hugs we shared. I had a few good ones from friends along the way or I wouldn't have made it through some challenging times.

My favorite hug? I remember once upon a heartbreak when you were due to come over and I called to say I was ok and you didn't need to venture out in the cold. I asked where you were. You said, "Well...." and I heard a knock on my door! That was one much needed hug and you braved the early January weather to deliver!

Unknown said...

Good morning :) Have a good day bud.

Zen Davis said...

Good day to you too Gareth!